Warsaw has seen major infrastructural changes over the past few years amidst increased foreign investment and economic growth. The city has a much improved infrastructure with new healthcare facilities, sanitation, etc.[1]
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Traditionally the streets in Warsaw, unlike in many other cities in Poland, are named with adjective forms rather than in simple nouns in nominative case. For instance, the street named after Saint John is named Świętojańska (literally Saintjohnian Street) in Warsaw and Święty Jan (Saint John) in Poznań. In modern times the tradition is not closely observed and most streets named after personalities or groups are named with nouns in genitive case, thus the forms correspond roughly to the English prepositional phrases (Polish Plac Zwycięstwa means literally Square of Victory rather than Victory Square.
Three supply systems serve Warsaw inhabitants. Wodociąg Centralny (Central Water Main) is the oldest.[2] It was built in 19th century. After many renovations, it is still functionning and providing water for more than half of Warsaw's residents.[2] The remaining supply systems are Wodociąg Praski (Praga Water Main) and Wodociąg Północny (Northern Water Main).
Warsaw's sewer system was installed in the second half of the 19th century, at the same time as the water supply system. Currently the waste water collectors are 2,020 km long and serve over 90 percent of inhabitants.[2] A new sewage treatment plant is planned for the south of the city on the left river bank.[2]
The first hospital in Warsaw was established in 1353 by duke Siemowit III and his wife Eufemia and named after the Holy Spirit intra muros.[3][4] In 1571 famous Wojciech Oczko, an author of extensive treatises on balneology and syphilidology was made a hospital doctor.[4] It was located previously on Piwna, Przyrynek and Konwiktorska streets, and from 1861 on Elektoralna Street, where it was barbarically destroyed during the siege of Warsaw in 1939.[5]
Medical University of Warsaw, the largest medical school in Poland, has 16 affiliated hospitals including the largest clinical hospital in Poland - Public Central Teaching Hospital at Banacha Street, where students are trained in almost all fields of medicine.[6]
Warsaw is home to the Children's Memorial Health Institute (CMHI), the highest-reference hospital for all of Poland, as well as an active research and education center.[7] CMHI was founded by Poles living in Poland and abroad in 1968.[7] In a huge complex of newly designed buildings, with the most up-to-date equipment, a group of leading authorities in pediatrics and their co-workers. At present, the CMHI covers an area of 20 hectares and employs almost 2,000, making it the largest pediatric center in Poland.[7] Funds come from government, health insurance and other resources.
The Maria Skłodowska-Curie Institute of Oncology it is one of the largest and most modern oncological institutions in Europe.[8] The clinical section is located in a 10-floor building with 700 beds, 10 operating theaters, an intensive care unit, several diagnostic departments, and an outpatient clinic.[8] Each floor forms separate departments with surgical, radiotherapy, and chemotherapy wards. Each department provides the full range of combined treatment in a particular field.
Although healthcare system in Poland is free for persons covered by the general health insurance,[9] but it is sometimes slow. For those who wish to avoid queues of public hospitals, there are many private medical centers and hospitals in Warsaw.